Where are the dealers area?
Like the last two last years, Fantasticon takes place at Blågaardens Bibliotek, which means that we will set up the dealers area in the café and in the room outside our largest room, where there are a good flow of traffic. Each booth gets at least one table if they have signed up before hand.
Who can get a booth?
We accept booths that are related to fantasy, science fiction and horror litteratur, such as booths selling books, illustrations and merch.
How do I get a booth?
To get a booth you have to buy a ticket for everyone you want help man the table. If you are on programing and want a booth, you will have to buy a ticket. There is no additional fee for selling your goods.
If you would like a booth at this year’s fantasticon, please send us an email: info@fantasticon.dk and we will put you on the list.
How do I set up?
You can set up either during the meet & greet session on friday late afternoon or saturday morning before the programming starts for real.
There is an elevator you can use to move your stuff to the right level. And the library promise that it is working this year.
What if I just want to sell my book?
If you just want to sell a single book and don’t want to man a booth all weekend, but enjoy the programming, then you can sell your book at the bar along with other authors. You don’t have to contact us before hand, just bring your book and a sign with your mobile pay number.
Who has a booth?
- SFF – Science Fiction Cirklen
- Lærke Martens
- Miriam
- Tea Spangsberg
- Jannick Cornelius
- Anna T