
Pat Cadigan (US/UK)
Pat Cadigan was born in Schenectady, New York, and now lives in London with her family. She has won the Locus Award three times, the Arthur C. Clarke Award twice for her novels Synners and Fools, and the Hugo Award for her novelette, The Girl-Thing Who Went Out For Sushi.
Her early short fiction and novels earned her the nickname The Queen of Cyberpunk and she was the only female author represented in Bruce Sterling’s classic cyberpunk-anthology Mirrorshades. Her short fiction has been gathered in the collections Patterns and Dirty Work. Her other books include the novels Dervish Is Digital, Tea from an Empty Cup, and Reality Used to Be a Friend of Mine, Cellular, and, as editor, the anthology The Ultimate Cyberpunk, as well as two making-of movie books and four media tie-in novels.
Driving Through a Cloud with Pat Cadigan (Clarkesworld, 2014)
Pat Cadigan: A Retrospective (Strange Horizons, 2011)

watsonIan Watson (UK)
Four of Ian Watson’s novels have been translated into Danish: The Embedding (Sprogmestrene) and The Books of The Black Current trilogy, which consist of The Book of the River (Flodens bog), The Book of the Stars (Stjernernes bog) og The Book of Being (Det levendes bog).
Born in England in 1943, Ian Watson became a full-time writer in 1976 following the success of his first novel, The Embedding (1973) which won the John W. Campbell Memorial Award and in France the Prix Apollo, and The Jonah Kit (1975) which won the British Science Fiction Association Award and the Orbit Award.
Numerous novels of SF, Fantasy, and Horror followed, and almost a dozen story collections. His stories have been finalists for the Hugo and Nebula Awards, and widely anthologised. From 1990 to 1991 he worked full-time with Stanley Kubrick on story development for the movie A.I. Artificial Intelligence, directed after Kubrick’s death by Steven Spielberg, for which Ian has screen credit for Screen Story, and which first screened in 2001, the same year that Ian’s artist wife Judy died. Their daughter Jessica, born in the same year as The Embedding, is a successful independent textile designer.
For many years Ian lived in a tiny village in Northamptonshire, UK, but a return invitation to the literary festival Semana Negra in 2010 led to him relocating to Gijón in the north of Spain to live with translator Cristina Macía, whom he married in January 2013.

Ola Wikander (S)
Swedish author Ola Wikander made his literary debut with the historical novel Poeten och cirkelmakaren which he co-authored with his father, Örjan Wikander. In 2012 he published the fantasy novel Serafers drömmar and a sequel, Den trettonde funktionen, is forthcoming in October. Ola Wikander also works as a translator and is an expert in ancient languages and cultures. / Blog: Ur språkens tunnlar

Lucas Bale (UK)
Headshot-140117-0001Lucas Bale is an award-winning British speculative fiction author living in Denmark. He writes intense, gripping science-fiction thrillers – stories which dig into what makes us human and scrape at the darkness which hides inside every one of us. His debut novel, The Heretic, is the gateway to the Beyond the Wall series, an epic, hard science-fiction space opera about the future of humanity and the discovery of the truth of its past. The third book in the series, A Shroud of Night and Tears, is set to be published on May 27th, 2015. He has also contributed to several popular anthology series as well as curating one of his own. His future projects include a diesel punk multiverse series, a new space opera series called A Maquisard’s Song, and more anthology shorts, many focusing on Time Travel.
He wasn’t always a writer. He was a criminal lawyer for fifteen years before he discovered crime doesn’t pay and turned to something which actually pays even less. No one ever said he was smart, but at least he’s happy.

Foto: Hanna E. Karlsson

Pebbles Karlsson Ambrose (S)
Fantasticon får i år besøg af Sveriges NOFF-repræsentant (Nordic Fan Fund), som er forfatteren og bloggeren Pebbles Karlsson Ambrose. Hun har udgivet science fiction-romanen Bergstjärnan og har noveller med i fire antologier. Derudover har hun skrevet to bøger om, hvordan det er at leve med en psykose og holder foredrag om sine erfaringer.

Christian Kaarup Baron (DK)
Christian Kaarup Baron er nomineret til en Niels Klim-pris for sin novelle Den oligocæne forbindelse fra antologien Science Fiction Cirklens antologi De sidste kærester på Månen – Lige under overfladen 9. Med den titel kommer det nok ikke bag på nogen, at han har en baggrund som biolog og videnskabsteoretiker, og at science fiction er et af hans forskningsområder.

Niamh Brown (UK)
Niamh Brown is a British Writer of Speculative Fiction who has emigrated to Denmark. She is PM for NovoPulp, Social Media Content Developer for Hermit Studio, Writer/Proofreader for Symphonical, and has recently started a new productivity blog called Bite-sized Blitz.

Olav M. J. Christiansen (DK)
Initiativtager og medstifter af foreningen Fantastik i 2003 og var formand for foreningen indtil 2006. Var hovedansvarlig for Fantasticon 2004 og Fantasticon 2005. Var endvidere vært for afholdelse af den allerførste fællesnordiske kongres Snorfcon I i 2004. Formand for bestyrelsen bag Eurocon 2007, der blev holdt i København.

Niels Dalgaard (DK)
Niels Dalgaard er ph.d. i nordisk litteratur med fokus på science fiction. Udover at være forfatter til en halv snes faglitterære bøger, er han oversætter af mange bøger med udenlandske noveller, og redaktør for fagtidsskriftet Proxima.

Thorbjørn Haugaard Eriksen (DK)
Thorbjørn Haugaard Eriksens debutroman Galskab gør fri udkom tidligere i år på forlaget Ulven og Uglen.

Paul Calderara Eskekilde (DK)
Paul Calderara Eskekilde debuterede i 2014 som forfatter med novellen Mui Ne i antologien Undergang og har indkasseret en Niels Klim-nominering for den. Han er vidt berejst og har undervist i engelsk og musik i Togo og Nepal. Han er også aktiv musiker og har spillet i bandet The Worn-Out Virgins.

Shaky Gonzalez (DK)
Shaky González was born in 1966 in Chile. He is a director and writer, known for Echoes of a Ronin (2014), Nattens engel (1998) and Pistoleros (2007).

Henrik Harksen (DK)
H.P. Lovecraft-eksperten Henrik Harksen driver forlaget H. Harksen Productions, der udgiver bøger på både dansk og engelsk. Ved siden af det skriver han selv noveller og har blandt andet fået optaget Just an Accountant i Lovecraft eZine og udgivet novellesamlingen The Strange Franco Santanarium De Marco på Dunhams Manor Press. 

Sohail sort-hvid portræt 2015 editSohail A. Hassan (DK)
Sohail A. Hassan is a great admirer of comics and movies since childhood. Especially genres like science fiction, fantasy and action. He belongs to the generation of early Spielberg and Lucas fans. After getting an MBA in 1994 he has been pursueing his lifelong dream of creating his own films. Starting out as a film producer he has since focused on writing and directing. Today he has directed numerous short fiction films, music videos and a few documentaries. The main goal being to tell fantasy stories that adheres to the rules of dramatic storytelling. He calls it Pure Fiction.

Martin Wangsgaard Jürgensen (DK)
Martin Wangsgaard Jürgensen er født og opvokset i Sønderjylland. Han er uddannet i Aarhus og nu bosiddende med kone og barn i København. Som barn samlede han på knogler fra døde dyr; interessen for det makabre har aldrig sluppet ham helt siden. Han udgav i 2014 sin første roman, Åndemanerne, på forlaget H. Harksen Productions og har haft noveller med i et par antologier, bl.a. Frelse gennem bod (sammen med Jacob Holm Krogsøe) i Undergang. Han har en baggrund som middelalderarkæolog og har skrevet en del faglitteratur om danske kirker. Han er også manden bag bloggen Fra Sortsand

Michael Kamp (DK)
Michael Kamp er forfatter til horror-romanerne Fordærv, Hvor de gamle visner, Moln – Jorden huskerBunker 137, Hospitalet og Samlerne samt fantasy-serien Bobs saga 1-3. Han har vundet Drengelitteraturprisen 2011 samt en Niels Klim-pris for sin science fiction-novelle Homo Arachnida, som han siden har oversat til engelsk og fået med i Lore vol. 2, no. 3. Hans novelle Predators of Tomorrow er med i antologien Blood Type: An Anthology of Vampire SF on the Cutting Edge.

Klaus Æ. Mogensen (DK)
Klaus Æ. Mogensen skriver af og til noveller og har skrevet en enkelt roman, Dimensionspiraterne, som kom på forlaget Klim i 1998. Desuden har han læst en frygtelig masse fantasy og science fiction og tegneserier. Arbejder til dagligt som seniorforsker på Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning.

Beatrix Miranda Ginn Nielsen (DK)
Beatrix Miranda Ginn Nielsen er nomineret til en Niels Klim-pris for sin novelle Græsset må ikke betrædes fra Science Fiction Cirklens antologi De sidste kærester på Månen – Lige under overfladen 9. Hun har også haft noveller med i Lige under overfladen 6 og 7 samt i Ad mørke stier. Hun har desuden udgivet novellesamlingen Colours and Fragments under pseudonymet W. R. Woolf, som også er det navn, hun bruger på sin blog

PhilipThPedersenPhilip Th. Pedersen (DK/CAN)
Danish-Canadian filmmaker Philip Th. Pedersen made his way onto the international short film scene in 2010 with sci-fi actioner Eastern Army, which was the first Danish film to be featured at the Action on Film International Film Festival, where it was nominated for four awards, and won two. It was furthermore featured for awards at Los Angeles International Film Festival, Diablo Valley, Copenhagen Movie Battle and Slovenian festival Grossmann. The film gained nationwide Danish distribution as part of the Wasteland Tales anthology.
In 2011 Pedersen directed the first-ever Danish produced blaxploitation film The Fro, that won “Best spoof” and was nominated for “Best comedy script”. That year Pedersen also directed Danish crime drama Little Men / Små Mænd, which was the first Danish film up for the prestigious “In Hollywood Magazine Award of Excellence”, where it was one of only five films selected among the best international shortfilms, documentaries and features.
In 2012 Pedersen directed the horror film Emma, which gained nationwide Danish distribution as part of the Supernatural Tales anthology and was selected for “Court Metrage” at Cannes Film Festival 2013. Pedersens latest film The Waitress was also selected for “Court Metrage” at Cannes Film Festival 2014 as well as “Rafi Peer” in Pakistan. It also won “Best Drama” at The International Euro Film Festival 2015.
Currently Pedersen is working on different commercials and music videos, as well as options for his debut feature.

Flemming R. P. Rasch (DK)
Flemming R. P. Rasch er formand for foreningen Fantastik og var arrangør af Fantasticon 2006-2012. Interesserer sig for det meste fantastik, men især science fiction.

Rikke Schubart (DK)
Filmforsker og forfatter til to vampyrromaner (med en tredje på vej), en børnebog, og en række fagbøger på både dansk og engelsk om film og tv. Rikke Schubart forsker i følelser og populærgenrer som gys, fantasy, krigsfilm og actionfilm. Det meste af forskningen er på engelsk og foregår med forskere i udlandet. Hendes fiktion er på dansk.

A. Silvestri (DK)
Siden 2008 har A. Silvestri fået offentliggjort et usandsynligt stort antal noveller i diverse antologier, magasiner og fanzines. Hans seneste udgivelse er dobbeltkortromanen Ambrosia/Live, og derudover er han forfatter til zombie-romanen Pandaemonium samt novellesamlingerne Køtere dør om vinteren, Faderens sønner og Optisk bedrag.
Forfatter på halv tid

portraet_01_DanielDaniel Bødker Sørensen (DK)
Instruktør og manuskriptforfatter. Har instrueret gyser-novellefilmen Korsveje (2012) og den ultra-korte spøgelsesfilm Ved din side (2014). Hans novellefilm Nu er solen død (2015) vandt årets Movie Battle i Dagmar under CPH PIX. Filmen vandt både for bedste film, samt publikumsprisen.
Til daglig arbejder Daniel som instruktør i sit eget firma, Hunchback Media. Her produceres både novellefilm, musikvideoer og reklamefilm. Desuden arbejder Daniel i øjeblikket på at lave en spillefilm. Han er pt. i den tidlige skrivefase, men det kan afsløres allerede nu, at der bliver tale om en spillefilmsversion af den ovennævnte novellefilm Nu er solen død.

Sissel Dalsgaard Thomsen (DK)
Sissel Dalsgaard Thomsen har arbejdet i filmbranchen, siden hun blev student. Efter at have arbejdet som manuskriptlæser i en årrække begyndte hun at skrive sine egne manuskripter. Hun har skrevet en række kortfilm, bl.a. ZombieWestern: It Came from the West, Kaktus, Venus, Vokseværk og Mordene på Katarina samt været episodeforfatter på tv-serien Lulu & Leon. Hun er også forfatter til børnebøgerne Vips og klub Dracula og Klub Dracula møder et spøgelse.

Teddy Vork (DK)
Forfatter til romanerne Ex  og Diget samt noveller i forskellige antologier og magasiner. Har udgivet novellesamlingerne Hvor skyggen falder og Sprækker. Sidstnævnte blev kåret til Årets Danske Horrorudgivelse 2014. Cand. mag. i engelsk, litteraturvidenskab og skrivekunst.

Gunnar Wille (DK)
Gunnar Wille er kendt af de fleste børn og barnlige sjæle for sine bøger om Magiske Mads og Skrumpen fra det ydre rum. Det er også en bog i sidstnævnte serie, Skrumpen – Teletøj og tankekunst, der har indbragt ham en nominering til Niels Klim-prisen. Men derudover er han stifter og leder af Den Danske Filmskoles animationsuddannelse og har også gjort sig som billedkunstner, instruktør, skuespiller, musiker, lydmand og meget mere.

Nuka Woelk (DK)
Nuka Woelk is a graduate film director of The National Film School Of Denmark and has made several short films and music videos, as well as commercial and corporate jobs for renowned and successful companies and clients.
His graduation short film Den Fremmede (2009) was screened in cinemas across Denmark and later shown on danish national television, DR.

Hola Ghost (DK)
Mexican death-surf, digital psychobilly, dark disco, rock… The music of the Danish three-piece act Hola Ghost has been categorised as all of the above plus more, and not without reason; appearing live with bandanas, bullet belts and sombrero, the trio fearlessly mix genres to create their own Scandinavian mariachi rock sound.
The band was originally formed to work on the soundtrack of LA-bound artist Gris Grimly’s debut movie Cannibal Flesh Riot (2007).