About Fantasticon

Fantasticon is an annual science fiction, fantasy and horror festival in Denmark organized by Foreningen Fantasticon.

Fantasticon is primarily about literature, but also includes comics, film and tv. Guests from previous years include authors and editors like Paul McAuley, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz,Tricia Sullivan, Karin Tidbeck, Nene Ormes, Liz Jensen, Alastair Reynolds, Ellen Datlow, Lene Kaaberbøl, Josefine Ottesen, Christopher Priest, Harry Harrison, Norman Spinrad, Gwyneth Jones, Charles Stross and Catherine Asaro.

Activities include panels and discussions on various topics, interviews and workshops. But first and foremost, Fantasticon is an opportunity for fans to meet and talk. Also present are various fan organisations you may consider joining.

Fantasticon is for everyone with an interest in one or more of the fantastic genres science fiction, fantasy and horror. Regardless of your age, race, religion, political views or species, you are velcome, and we don’t require you to be able to quote Captain Kirk, sing Elven songs in the original Quenya or howl like a werewolf (in fact we prefer that you don’t).

Read more about Foreningen Fantasticon here (in Danish)

The first Fantasticon was in 2004. About 50 people attended:

The largest Fantasticon to date was in 2005 with four guests of honour from various European countries and about 200 people attending. In 2007 some of the Fantasticon organizers together with other Danish fans hosted the annual European convention Eurocon. About 900 people attended.