May 30. – June 1. 2025

Guests on programing

A list of the program guests that appear on the program items for Fantasticon 2024.

Anita Albæk Simonsen is a Danish author who debuted with the dystopian sci-fi series Trinbyen, of which the first book was nominated as ‘best tween book of the year’ in 2023. Anita has two upcoming novel publications in 2025 and 2026. Phobofobi: A cozy crime novel following a queer “Scooby gang” in Malta. Solaris’ skygge: A fantasy novel about two people finding their own truth in a world cut up into light and darkness. Furthermore, Anita is currently writing an apocalyptic sci-fi novel exploring bodily autonomy. In the past Anita has talked at Fantasticon about ‘Elvere som The Other“.

Anne Katrine Spanget-Larsen is the author of the young adult high fantasy novel ‘Askenfjeld’. Her work focuses on unique creatures and charcters in a world filled with magic.

Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen er en dansk forfatter. Hun er aktuel med romanserien ‘Vølvens vej’, der forankret i nordisk mytologi udfolder et brutalt og eventyrligt univers om skæbne, magt og ære i dansk jernalder. Første bind af ‘Vølvens vej‘ – ‘Snehild‘ – vandt DR Romanprisen, og serien er oversat til otte sprog og solgt til filmatisering. Anne-Maries forfatterskab har bevæget sig på tværs af de fantastiske genrer; hun har vundet Niels Klim-prisen for den dystopiske kortroman ‘Månen over Øen’ og prisen Årets Danske Horrorudgivelse for romanen ‘Lucie’.

Anton Binder is a writer, dramaturg, close-up illusionist and life-long afficionado of Doctor Who. He was artistic director of Fireraisers Theatre Company and has written four plays – This Rough Magic, The Secret Life of Charlie Chaplin, Killing Kittens and Andie and Edie. The latter receiving an Edinburgh Festival award nomination. Anton has taught drama professionally and also run creative workshops for actors, writers and story tellers. He has also written many articles on cult TV including Doctor Who, The Prisoner and Twin Peaks for various pop-culture publications, most recently the chapter Deconstruction of the Daleks for the book A World of Demons: The Villains of Doctor Who published by Fayetteville Mafia Press. Anton also recently completed his first full length novel The Changelings, a fantasy adventure for children and is currently developing new immersive theatre performances as co-founder of Cherry Top Hat productions.

Aske Munk-Jørgensen (f. 1979) debuterede i 2015 med kortromanen Kærlighedens væsen. Siden har han udgivet en række bøger, bl.a. de to horrorromaner, Gamle venner og Når frosten kommer, men han bevæger sig inden for både historisk fiktion, kriminallitteratur, fantasy og science fiction, ligesom han har udgivet både lyrik og noveller.

Asta Jersø (b. 1994) decided at the tender age of 14, that she liked horror – literature specifically. It happened when she got her grabby teenage hand on a collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s stories. Something that changed her forever. She is also a self diagnosed “weeb in recovery”, a manga nerd. As she put Naruto back on the shelf and picked up Uzumaki by Junji Ito, she knew, she only had room in her heart for horror.

C. A. Wolters (f. 1991) er en dark romantacy forfatter og skaberen af Den som hvisker, første bog i Det røde daggry-trilogien. Forfatterens tone og universer er strikket sammen af amoralske karakterer, mørk magi og seksuelle spændinger, som alle kravler under huden på læseren.
Forfatteren er født i et hjemsøgt hus, opvokset i Københavns travle gader og er medvært på Danmarks førende paranormale podcast SKRÆMT!

C. C. Thybro (born 1992) is a danish author. She has published novels and short stories within the speculative fiction genre with a heavy lean towards horror and science fiction. In 2022 she published the zombie-horse book Ved verden ende and the children’s horror Brønden. In 2023 she published I skyggen af Udgårdsø, the first book in a supernatural thriller, portal-fantasy horresque trilogy, and Komplekskakerlakkerne a science fiction novel with a diverse cast set in a dystopian future. This year she’s published an illustrated children’s book Langpote: Katten, der ikke ville dele and the tween mystery-horror Spindelmanden is set to come out in September.

Carolina Gomez Lagerlöf is a swedish fan, who is a very active part of the international fandom traveling to conventions all over the world. Caroline is part of the committee of this year’s Eurocon, Konflikt in Uppsala.

Carsten Fogh Nielsen er uddannet filosof, forsker i helte og heltehistorier og læser til dagligt en masse fantastisk litteratur. Han har skrevet om superhelte og filosofi på både dansk og engelsk, og er meget interesseret i forholdet mellem køn og populærkultur. For tiden er han ansat på Syddansk Universitet.

Carsten Fogh Nielsen

Christina Ebbesen skriver epic fantasy, og hendes kæphest er: Når man skriver om andre, “hvem betaler så regningen?” Hun lægger stor vægt på research og respekt i repræsentation af minoritetsgrupper. Til daglig er Ebbesen præst, når hun ellers ikke har travlt med at poste om genrelitteratur på sociale medier.

Fia Karlsson: Swedish fan, past delegate of the Trans-Atlantic Fan fund, past winner of the Swedish Alvar award, audiobook-ophile and occasional conrunner.

Flemming R.P. Rasch is a science fiction fan and occasional writer of short stories. He has been involved in organizing Fantasticon in most years since 2006. Other fan-activity includes publishing a few anthologies, editing books and magazines and translating short stories. He has a broad interest in the genres, from cosmic horror to hard sf, and from new wave to new weird.

Helene Hindberg is a Danish writer of weird/horror fiction. She has contributed with short stories in several Danish horror anthologies (Fra Skyggerne, Grufulde Mørke, Lyden af Vanvid, Dystre Danmark 2). Her own short story collection is called Afkroge and has been available since 2018. “I want to disturb the reader and not necessarily gross them out…although I have been known to do that too”..

Ian Sales is the award-winning author of the Apollo Quartet, a series of literary hard sf novellas, as well as short stories published in a variety of magazines and anthologies, both genre fiction and literary fiction. He is also an editor and reviewer, and he was behind the SF Mistressworks project about female SF writers of the 20th century.

Ines Vajzovic is the former vice president of the Tolkien Society of Croatia named The Fellowship of Almaren. She has written short plays and given lectures on Tolkien in her native language. One will occasionally find her short stories on mermaids, Christmas demons and faraway lands published in the English language anthologies under the pen name Anwen Redlake.

Jane Mondrup is the author of Zeitgeist, a novel in the borderland between science fiction and other speculative genres, and Vattes vandring, a children’s book based on Norse mythology. She has also published a number of SF- and horror short stories and has a new science fiction novel underway, the First Contact story Zoi.

Jannik Landt Fogt debuterede i 2019 med sci-fi novellen “Organisatorisk Borgerskab”. Året efter udkom Janniks autofiktive debutroman “Elektrisk Blå Som Et 80’er Digt”. Jannik skriver pt. på en novellesamling. Arbejdstitlen er “Paralleller” og manuskriptet er et miskmask af steam- og cyberpunk og et forsøg på at udstille de positive såvel som de negative sider af oplysningstiden, industrialiseringen og den globale handel. Når Jannik ikke skriver på egne værker, ja så skriver han alligevel: som skribent på det lille litteraturtidsskrift eller for tegneseriebutikken Fantasks sociale medier.

Jesper Riel (born 1990) is a danish author. He debuted in 2019 with the short story collection ‘Den 6. Dag‘ and in 2021 he published the novel ‘Uglemanden‘, which is the first novel in a fantasy trilogy. When Jesper isn’t writing he spend his time on small illustration jobs and hosting the podcast ‘Forfatterterapi‘.

Jesper Rugård Jensen is a writer, science fiction-, fantasy- and horror-fan.

Julie L. Eriksen er dagligt en støvet embedsmand, men når talen falder på fantasy og science fiction, så står hun på spring til at nørde litteratur og tv-serier i lange baner.

Karsten Brandt-Knudsen is an author, illustrator and cartoonist. He works within the broader umbrella of speculative fiction with a focus on the dark and grotesk. Karsten Brandt-Knudsen made his debut at the end of 2019 with the science fiction horror short story Farmer. Since then, he has contributed short stories to a wide range of anthologies, magazines and websites. In 2021, his debut novel, Dan lærer at leve, was published by Enter Darkness.

Kim Pierri (f. 1972) har læst historie og geografi på RUC og er gymnasielærer. Var medstifter af Bri – Tolkienselskabet i København og er stadig aktiv i selskabet. Har interesseret sig for Nordisk Mytologi hele sit liv og er aktiv asetroende.

Klaus Æ. Mogensen har været professionel fremtidsforsker i mere end 20 år og har beskæftiget sig med science fiction og fantasy i 40 år, bl.a. som redaktør af tidsskrifter, senest fantastik-magasinet Himmelskibet, og lejlighedsvis som forfatter. Indenfor fiktionen er det blevet til en roman og en novellesamling. Han skriver pt. på sin anden roman.

Knud Larn, tidligere formand for Science Fiction Cirklen, mangeårig fanzineredaktør/-udgiver, medarrangør af Eurocon 2007 i København. Han har læst science fiction i mange år, har redigeret / introduceret et par bøger for Science Fiction Cirklen, stod bag to tidligere Fantasticons – herunder en om Steampunk – og har anmeldt bøger i bl.a. Himmelskibet og Proxima.  Han interesserer sig i disse år især for den genrefiktion som skrives udenfor den engelsksprogede verden. Han deltager ofte i science fiction kongresser udenfor Danmark, især tyske, herunder Worldcon når den er i Europa: f.eks Glasgow 2005, London 2014, og Helsinki 2017.

Malene Sølvsten (GoH) is best known for her young adult fantasy series Ravnenes Hvisken that takes its inspiration in Norse mythology and has won a number of awards for her work. She has a background in economy and worked as an artist before working as an author full time.

Maria O. Larsen (b. 1992) finished her degree in scriptwriting but got sidetracked by the event and concert industry. Now she is back on track writing scripts and event planning is taking a back seat as a hobby. Her main interest is in magical realism and urban fantasy and she’s hoping to make Danish cinema realise it’s okay to make movies that embrace the supernatural.

Mariane Mide (f. 1987) har en række af noveller bag sig indenfor horror, science fiction og fantasy. Dette efterår udkommer hun med anden bog i serien Dødemagersken på forlaget Krabat. Som forfatter håber hun at kunne stille spørgsmål til læsernes grænser og moral gennem vold, blod og morbide idéer.
Mide er fra Nordjylland og giver en helt ny betydning til udtrykket “Det mørke jylland”.

Marie Howalt is a science fiction writer whose works include tales about survivors trying to build a better world in solarpunk flavoured post-apocalyptic Italy (The Moonless Trilogy), and a private investigation team fuelled by quirks, snark and cozy vibes roaming the galaxy (the Colibri Investigations series). Marie’s stories are diverse and hopeful and balance subtle social commentary with a welcome break from mundane life.

Mikala Rosenkilde debuterede i 2011 med novellesamlingen Legetøj, og har for nyligt en række bøger om krytozoologi – dyr som ikke findes eller er uddøde.

Michael Kamp er børnebogsforfatter og hans titler er fast inventar på børnebiblioteket. Han er forfatter til serier som Klovn, Battle Royale og Slimede Mareridt. Hans bøger har vundet adskillige priser. Han rejser også land og rige rundt og underviser i horror-genren og hvordan man egentlig skræmmer sokkerne af børn.

Mikołaj Kowalewski is an active fandom member as volunteer, conrunner, member of board of ESFS as ESFS Awards administrator, member of a nomination committee of Janusz A. Zajdel Award, polish most important sff award, and member of Avangarda Society, group of books, boardgames and rpg lovers from Warsaw. Mikolaj’s first convention was in 2015 and has since visited around 60 conventions. Currently he is a student at University of Copenhagen.

Since 2012, Morten Brunbjerg has written scripts and stories for numerous video games, ranging from the Japanese Hi-Fi Rush to the Danish Hitman. His work spans small VR art projects to commercial mobile games to big AAA productions. In 2022, Morten got his first novel published, the supernatural psychological thriller “Glacier,” which received great reviews, including from Troldspejlet.

Niels Dalgaard have been a part of Danish science fiction fandom for four decades. He have written numerous articles, reviews and books about science fiction, have translated more than 40 books and edits the science fiction magazine Proxima. Niels holds a Ph.D. in Nordic Litterature, and have done extensive research on science fiction litterature in Denmark.

Patrick Leis (f. 1964) er en dansk forfatter, illustrator og body painter. Siden sin romandebut Bag masken i 1995 er det blevet til ikke så få horrorudgivelser, måske mest kendt for serien Necrodemic-sagaen, hvor Pax Immortalis – Opgøret vandt prisen for Årets Danske Horrorudgivelse.

Per Christian Halling er entusiastisk film- og musik-elsker med særlig interesse for franske og italienske film, samt filmmusik og filmlyd. Freelance kulturskribent og arbejder pt. på sin første filmrelaterede bog.

Rasmus Wichmann er showman, forfatter og kritiker. Han er bl.a. konferencier for Scificon i Randers, forfatter til romanerne Enkemagerne og Den Armenske Sarkofag, og har tidligere skrevet for Himmelskibet og Novum. Han er tidligere medarrangør på Fantasticon.

Sanna Bo Claumarch er sff fan og underviser unge i cosplay, håndarbejde og LGBTQIA+ fag. Hen debatterer gerne fordelene ved transformativt fandom og producerer selv transformativ fanfiction i lydbogsform, såkaldte podfics. Sanna er en aktiv del af nordisk og dansk fandom.

Seb Doubinsky is an author of ‘Missing Signal’, ‘The Song of Synth’, ‘The Babylonian Trilogy’ and many more books. He was born in Paris and have lived in the US and Denmark.

Steen Langstrup debuterede i 1995 med romanen Kat (filmatiseret i 2001), og har siden udgivet en mængde horror-romaner og -noveller, heriblandt vinder af Årets Horrorudgivelse 2011 Alt det hun ville ønske hun ikke forstod (filmatiseret 2016) og senest Kvinden der kom med kage i 2024. Steen har sit eget forlag 2 Feet Entertainment, som udgiver både andres og egne bøger.

Steen Schapiro (1967) er filmklipper, instruktør, underviser – og inkarneret Doctor Who fan. Med til at køre ‘Dansh Whovians’-gruppen på facebook og arrangerer jævnligt kultfilm events.

Sidsel Pedersen is a science fiction and fantasy fan and active in the international con community. She has been part of the organisation of Fantasticon and is the chair of the con Vilde Universer in Aarhus. Sidsel has a cand. mag in history and social stories, which influences her reading of speculative fiction.

Teddy Vork er en dansk horror-forfatter med mange udgivelser bag sig, heriblandt hele tre vindere af Årets Danske Horrorudgivelse, novellesamlingen Sprækker (2013), romanen Mulm (2019) og novellesamlingen Ubuden (2023).

Tue Sørensen (f.1971) er en garvet science fiction fan, filmanmelder og selvudgivet tegneserieforfatter.

Ulrik Kristiansen (f. 1974) er tidligere tegner på det hidtil eneste dansk-producerede Star Wars-blad, tidligere Eurocon-arrangør, novelle-forfatter og forever Highlander-fan.