Program items

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Sunday at 15:00

Both fantasy and science fiction is great at thinking up new beings, but often they seem very human. From aliens with corrugated foreheads and pointy ears to middle American sensibilities transplanted to galactic empires. It is rare that we meet the truly strange – imaginary beings who have little or nothing in common with us – as they are hard to come up with and even harder to write about. This panel will discuss how it can and has been done.
Crawford Award winner and World Fantasy Award finalist Karin Tidbeck writes speculative fiction in Swedish and English. They debuted in 2012 with the collection Jagannath, followed by the novels Amatka and The Memory Theater. Their short fiction has appeared at, Uncanny Magazine, Lightspeed and more. Photo: Patrik Åkervinda.
Lars Ahn is an award-winning Danish author of speculative fiction. He has published one novel and more than 30 short stories in Danish. His latest collection won the Danish Horror Society’s 2017 award for Best Horror Publication of the Year, and he also has two Niels Klim Awards for best Danish science fiction short stories.
M.A. in Comparative Literature Freja Gyldenstrøm is an independent researcher specialising in 1800’s and early 1900’s fiction, in particular narratives that deal with mythology and the monstrous. She wrote her master’s dissertation on the Greek god Pan in Victorian literature and she has written the introduction to Hoff & Poulsen’s new Danish translation of stories by Arthur Machen.
Niels Dalgaard has been a part of Danish science fiction fandom for four decades. He has written numerous articles, reviews and books about science fiction, has translated more than 40 books and edits the science fiction magazine Proxima. Niels holds a Ph.D. in Nordic Literature, and has done extensive research on science fiction literature in Denmark.
Ian Sales is the award-winning author of the Apollo Quartet, a series of literary hard sf novellas, as well as short stories published in a variety of magazines and anthologies, both genre fiction and literary fiction. He is also an editor and reviewer, and he was behind the SF Mistressworks project about female SF writers of the 20th century.


Saturday at 11.00

AI, vampires, fae, aliens, eldritch horrors – strange creatures have always existed in our stories. From cautionary tales to world saving entities, from aspirations to our worst nightmares, as neurodivergent or queer coded. But why do we engage with fantastical entities, and which narrative purpose do they serve? Join us for an introductory talk on the all the ways strange creatures exist in speculative fiction.

Lauren Beukes is the international best-selling and award-winning author of “The Shining Girls”, now an AppleTV+ show starring Elisabeth Moss, “Zoo City”, “Broken Monsters” and “Afterland” among other books. She writes across genres, including science fiction, horror, crime, fantasy and realism.

Øystein Runde is primarily known as a comics creator, but he has also asserted himself within other media such as podcast, film, childrens fiction and science communication. In his comics he is often playing with Norwegian history and culture, mixing modernized fairy tales and viking action with superheroes, retrofuturism and steampunk.

Priya Sharma is a British fantasy and horror writer. Her fiction has appeared in venues such as Interzone, Black Static, Nightmare, The Dark and Tor and has won both the British Fantasy Award and the Shirley Jackson Award. Her stories have been translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Czech, and Polish. Photo: Mark Greenwood.

Majbrit Høyrup is a short story writer, a reader and a fanfiction afficionado. In the SFF worlds you can discuss the other and the otherness from new perspectives. Who is even the other? Why not let the “norms” explain their life? The monsters instantly turns the world upside down and let us have this other view of the normal world. These are themes in Høyrups writings.

Sanna Bo Claumarch is a cosplay, textile handicraft and LGBTQIA+ teacher by day, and a SFF fan and fandom enthusiast by night. They are also a debater of the merits of transformative fandom, who creates transformative audio works themself. Sanna is mostly active in Danish and Nordic fandom.


Sunday at 11.00

Body horror is a fundamental part of the horror genre. We all have a body, we all can relate. But except for the obviously fascinating idea of mutilation and disease, what does it have to offer? We will explore the medical side of body horror and draw from the experience of the panelists. What if body horror can’t be seen with the naked eye? Maybe body horror can be sophisticated in a way we haven’t seen yet?

Lauren Beukes is is a former feature journalist and now the international best-selling and award-winning author of “The Shining Girls”, adapted for an AppleTV+ show starring Elisabeth Moss, “Zoo City”, “Broken Monsters” and “Afterland” among other books. She writes across genres, including horror, science fiction, crime, fantasy and realism.

Priya Sharma is a British family doctor who writes fantasy and horror. Her fiction has appeared in venues such as Interzone and and has won British Fantasy Awards and Shirley Jackson Awards. She is a Locus and Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire finalist. Her collection “All the Fabulous Beasts” explores identity and family through the lens of monstrous transformations. Photo: Mark Greenwood.

Penny Jones knew she was a writer when she started to talk about herself in the third person. Both her debut collection “Suffer Little Children” and her short story “Dendrochronology” was shortlisted for the 2020 British Fantasy Award, for Best Newcomer and Best Short Story. As well as a writer Penny is also a registered mental health nurse, and her professional experiences are often thematic in her writings.

Mariane Mide has written a number of short stories for Danish Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction magazines over the last couple of years, and this autumn her debut novel “Novice” will come out from the publisher Krabat. Her passion is writing horror. It allows her to push the bounderies of others and question their morals through violence and morbid ideas.


Søndag kl. 12.00

Klaus Æ. Mogensen og Flemming R.P. Rasch er to hvide, mandlige boomers og dermed repræsentanter for virkelighedens værste gruppe af monstre – dem som bragte os klimaforandringer, krige, social ulighed og MeToo. Kom og hør dem fortælle om fandom, de fantastiske genrer og de monstre og andre sære ting de har skrevet og læst om. Der bliver måske også tid til at svare på spørgsmål om livet, universet og hvem der skød først.

Klaus og Flemming er begge fans af de fantastiske genrer og har derfor været at finde på Fantasticon siden den startede som en årlig begivenhed tilbage i 00erne. Som hhv. fremtidsforsker og tidligere lærer er de også øvede i at belære andre om hvordan verden i virkeligheden hænger sammen.

Ved siden af at læse bøger og tegneserier, se film og være med i Fantasticon og andre fan-projekter har de begge skrevet noveller i genrerne gennem flere årtier. De kan læses i diverse antologier, samt i novellesamlingen ”Minerne på Orthomyx” (Flemming) og ”Ud af Normalrummet” (Klaus). Klaus har desuden skrevet ungdomsromanen ”Dimensionspiraterne).


Sunday at 16.00

We may or may not be able to create true artificial intelligence, but we can definitely speculate about it. In some science fiction the AI appear essentially human in their way of thinking, while other stories treat the artificial mind as fundamentally different from ours. This panel will discuss different approaches to writing about AI and the themes it enables you to tackle.

Ian Sales is the award-winning author of the Apollo Quartet, a series of literary hard sf novellas, as well as short stories published in a variety of magazines and anthologies, both genre fiction and literary fiction. He is also an editor and reviewer, and he was behind the SF Mistressworks project about female SF writers of the 20th century.

Karen Skovmand is an acknowledged Danish Fantasy and Science Fiction writer. In her latest book, Kimana Magars Sidste Sang, she explores the marvelous reactions of the human mind to various experiences of life, be it a deadly asteroid devastating the Earth or a gentle robot carrying a chubby boy on a grueling treadmill.

Nils Hoffmann is a Danish engineer and science fiction writer. In 2018, he made his debut with “The Demon’s Backdoor”, a novel treating the impact of artificial intelligence and other technological advances that are likely to shape the next decades. When he is not writing, he works with machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence.

Stig W. Jørgensen is a book translator and consultant whose academic past includes a PhD in Computational Linguistics, and even once a publication in The Journal of Experimental & Theoretical AI. An avid science fiction reader since childhood, he has talked and written about the genre for decades.

Edmund Schluessel is an SFF author and mathematics teacher living in Helsinki. Their first book, “Infinite Metropolis, was published in January 2020. Photo: Henry Söderlund


Saturday at 17.00

From dragons and vampires to berserker robots and hostile alien beasts – monsters are monsters because they kill people or ravage their lands. Are they just driven by mindless bloodlust, programming or greed, or might they have a reason for their actions? What can the motives of the monsters say about ourselves as human beings? Hear what the writers who create the monsters have to say about that.

Priya Sharma is a British fantasy and horror writer. Her fiction has appeared in venues such as Interzone, Black Static, Nightmare, The Dark and Tor and has won both the British Fantasy Award and the Shirley Jackson Award. Her stories have been translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Czech, and Polish. Photo: Mark Greenwood.

Teddy Vork has published horror short stories and novels since 2008. His latest works include the novel Mulm (2020), which won the award for best Danish work of horror that year. One of his short stories, The Wonders of the Invisible World, is included in this year’s The Book of World Horror Stories vol. 2 by Valancourt Books.

Tue Omø is best known for his urban dark fantasy novel Eternal DarkRay, but his first publishing was a poetry collection called Nano poet. With his wife he has had a collaboration with AOF, where they invited writers to tell about their books and about writing. Currently Tue Omø is writing a sequel with the name Evighedens passagerer.

Karsten Brandt-Knudsen made his debut at the end of 2019 with the science fiction horror short story Farmer. Since then, he has contributed short stories to a wide range of anthologies, magazines and websites. In 2021, his debut novel, Dan lærer at leve, was published by Enter Darkness.

Klaus Æ. Mogensen is a long-time fanzine editor and fan writer. At times, he writes science fiction and fantasy stories. He is currently finishing his second novel. Professionally, Klaus has been a futurist for more than 20 years, co-writing two books and more than 300 articles for the award-winning Scenario Magazine.


Saturday at 15.00

Sagas, fairy tales and folklore are full of strange creatures and have entertained people for centuries. They are still popular and have been incorporated into new ways of telling stories, now often with a modern twist. What is it that is so alluring with the old stories? Why do we reuse them, and why do we change them? This panel will discuss this and much more about (re-)inventing our old stories.

Lauren Beukes is the international best-selling and award-winning author of “The Shining Girls”, now an AppleTV+ show starring Elisabeth Moss, “Zoo City”, “Broken Monsters” and “Afterland” among other books. She writes across genres, including science fiction, horror, crime, fantasy and realism.

Øystein Runde is primarily known as a comics creator, but he has also asserted himself within other media such as podcast, film, childrens fiction and science communication. In his comics he is often playing with Norwegian history and culture, mixing modernized fairy tales and viking action with superheroes, retrofuturism and steampunk.

Billy O’Shea is from Ireland, but has lived in Denmark for many years. He has written a number of science fiction novels and short stories set in a future Denmark, including the novel “The Other Mermaid” featuring a very different version of a popular fairy tale figure. His work is not recommended for the sound of mind or adults above the age of 80.

Zara Lea Palmquist, author of the theatre-novel “Åkvinden,” graduated from the Danish School of Performing Arts in 2016. Her drama and writing revolves around the individual versus the collective, and investigates how ideologies, culture/mythologies and politics are integrated from society into the private sphere, into the individual’s thoughts and way of living.

Johan Anglemark has been a professional technical translator and writer for the last thirty years, and he has worked within games and publishing. Since 1985 he has been organising sf conventions and festivals, and he is currently involved in the Eurocon to be held next year in Uppsala. He edits SF Forum, the magazine of Skandinavisk Förening för Science Fiction, SFSF.


Sundag at 16.00

The 2020 short story collection “Made to Order: Robots and Revolution” was published on the 100th anniversary of the first use of the word “Robot.” This panel of science fiction aficionados will discuss the book and its themes, such as privilege and disadvantage, robots or AIs as stand ins for humans – or, on the contrary, as fundamentally incomprehensible creatures.

Niels Dalgaard have been a part of Danish science fiction fandom for four decades. He have written numerous articles, reviews and books about science fiction, have translated more than 40 books and edits the science fiction magazine Proxima. Niels holds a Ph.D. in Nordic Litterature, and have done extensive research on science fiction litterature in Denmark.

Carolina Gomez Lagerlöf is a Swedish SF fan who lives in Stockholm. She is the chair of the European Science Fiction Society and Skandinavisk Förening för Science Fiction in Stockholm. She is a conrunner of science fiction conventions and likes to travel to conventions in other countries. She works as patent examiner at the Swedish Patent Office in Stockholm.

Jeppe Larsen is a science fiction fan and IT professional. His favourite subgenre is hard sf, and he is a subscriber and reader of several science fiction short story magazines. Has been acitive in organizing Danish fandom since the early 2000s and often reviews science fiction. Favourite authors are writers like Greg Egan, Iain M. Banks and Kim Stanley Robinson.

Jane Mondrup
has been an avid reader of all kinds of speculative fiction since her early childhood, and she has recently found her way into the Danish fandom scene. For the last couple of years she has begun to realize her ambition of becoming a writer herself, starting with the novel Zeitgeist from 2019 and some short stories.

Flemming R.P. Rasch
is a science fiction fan and occasional writer of short stories. He has been involved in organizing Fantasticon in most years since 2006. Other fan-activity includes publishing a few anthologies, editing books and magazines and translating short stories. He has a broad interest in the genres, from cosmic horror to hard sf, and from new wave to new weird.


Søndag kl 11.00

Rumvæsner er reelt fri fantasi. Vi har aldrig mødt dem og har derfor intet videnskabeligt grundlag for at skrive om dem. Så hvordan gør man det alligevel, på en interessant og nuanceret måde? Det vil fire forfattere tale om i dette panel, på baggrund af både deres egne og andre forfatteres tekster.

Marie Howalt er forfatter til den postapokalyptiske Moonless-trilogi og rumopera-krimi-komedien The Stellar Snow Job, som udkommer i august. I det nyeste skud på bogstammen giver Marie et bud på, hvordan mødet mellem mennesker og andre former for intelligent liv i et allerede etableret galaktisk fællesskab kunne udspille sig.

Seb Doubinsky er en fransk født forfatter, som bor i Danmark og skriver på engelsk. Hans bøger er udgivet i mange lande, herunder England, USA, Frankrig, Spanien og Danmark. I hans dystopiske City States-serie er der blandt meget andet rumvæsner på spil.

Lars Ahn er forfatter til novellesamlingen ”Månebase Rødhætte”, der bl.a. indeholder kortromanen ”Alien Ghost Ballet” om en balletmester, som skal lære rumvæsener med tre ben at danse ”Svanesøen”. Han har også skrevet den omvendte invasionshistorie ”En invasiv art”, hvor det er os, der er aggressorerne.

Marie Ladefoged er en skønlitterær forfatter. Hun har skrevet romanerne ”Rejsen til Skyway”, ”Moderskibet” og ”Vejen til Kembri”, som alle tre er science fiction. Hvor den første handler om tidsrejser, har de seneste to flere beskrivelser af rumvæsener, navnlig ”Vejen til Kembri”, som er en børnebog for de 8-12 årige.

Panelet modereres af Sidsel Pedersen, science fiction og fantasy fan.


Saturday at 12.00

When writers and artists make up fictional beings, how do they go about it? In this panel four very different story creators will discuss this aspect of their craft. Where do they look for inspiration, how do they transform it into something that works for their story, and why do they need the creatures in the first place?

Crawford Award winner and World Fantasy Award finalist Karin Tidbeck writes speculative fiction in Swedish and English. They debuted in 2012 with the collection Jagannath, followed by the novels Amatka and The Memory Theater. Their short fiction has appeared at, Uncanny Magazine, Lightspeed and more. Photo: Patrik Åkervinda.

Andreas Boeskov recently published his first book at Gyldendal, the critically acclaimed ’De glemte vogtere’, the first book in a planned fantasy series for children and young people. In the series a group of especially imaginative children defend the world against a stream of dangerous and original creatures, always threatening to attack.

Mikkel Wendelboe (alias Skriverkarl) has written a dozen fantasy and scifi books, and with a background in biology, geography and paleontology, the proces of creating fantastic beasts and creatures, has always been a key feature. Every creature needs a habitat and natural behavioral patterns, to be understood and defined, thus making them able to be described properly and with ease in a story.

Tatiana Goldberg is a Danish comic artist and psychologist most known for her award winning crime/sci-fi series “Kijara” as well as her award nominated psychological horror story – the graphic novel “Anima”. Tatiana teaches character design and creature design as well as comics and she uses her expertise in psychological effects in visual design in her work.

The panel will be moderated by Jesper Rugård Jensen, writer, science fiction-, fantasy- and horror-fan.


Saturday at 13.00

“Dark magical realism” is a good way of describing Priya Sharma’s writing. This interview will cover her style, recurring themes, writing methods and sources of inspiration, both in her published fiction and her works in progress.

Priya Sharma is a British fantasy and horror writer. Her fiction has appeared in venues such as Interzone, Black Static, Nightmare, The Dark and Tor. Her short story collection “All The Fabulous Beasts” was a British Fantasy Award and Shirley Jackson Award winner and a Locus Award finalist, and the title story, “Fabulous Beasts,” won a British Fantasy Award and was a Shirley Jackson Award finalist. “Ormeshadow”, her first novella (available from Tor), won a Shirley Jackson Award and a British Fantasy Award. Her stories have been translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Czech, and Polish. Photo: Mark Greenwood

Priya Sharma will be interviewed by Seb Doubinsky, a french born writer currently living in Denmark. His novels, all set in a dystopian universe revolving around competing city states, have been published in several countries, including the UK and USA, France, Spain and Denmark.


Søndag kl 12.00

Lesbiske vampyrer, aseksuelle robotter og gay varulve. Man har op gennem tiden brugt queer coding af væsener i alt fra eventyr til sff til Disney film. I dette panel vi bl.a. tale om hvornår monstre bruges som metaforer for queerness, hvornår monstre får lov at være deres egne væsner og queers får lov til at være queer.

Christina E. Ebbesen er forfatter til bromance serien Til Aretz’ Ende, der er lige dele dannelsesrejse, forviklinger og quest-turnering. Til daglig er Ebbesen præst, når hun ellers ikke har travlt med at poste om genrelitteratur på sociale medier.

Pernille L. Stenby har skrevet den dystopiske dark fantasy serie Mestenes og romanen ‘Et manipuleret liv’ sat i samme univers, hvor hun udforsker magt, afmagt og LGBTQ+ temaer.

Simon Zander udkom i efteråret 2021 med sin debutroman, den dystopiske ungdomsfantasy ‘Inden det blå lys falmer’. Simon er en aktiv del af bevægelsen Dansk Fantasy, og han brænder for at skrive inden for de fantastiske genrer, samt at skrive inkluderende bøger, hvor især queer-personer bliver repræsenteret.

Sanna Bo Claumarch underviser unge i cosplay og queer kultur og historie. Hen er ivrig SFF-læser, transformativ fandom enthusiast, aktiv fan og debattør.


Lørdag kl 12.00

I 2021 fik forfatter Viggo Bjerring stor succes med udgivelsen af ”Verdenhjertet”, en fremtidsroman om kunstig intelligens, økokapitalisme og prekariatet, med syrede aspekter som vækker mindelser om både Philip K. Dick, Mark Z. Danielewski og Svend Åge Madsen. Interviewet vil handle om Viggo Bjerrings forfatterskab, om hans forhold til de fantastiske genrer, og om ikke-menneskelig intelligens og andre ”væsner” i hans historier.

Viggo Bjerring er uddannet i Idéhistorie, og han debuterede i 2016 med novellesamlingen Balancekatten. Samme år udkom han med kortromanen QWERTY, som blev nomineret til Danske Skønlitterære Forfatteres pris, Den Svære Toer. Verdenshjertet er hans debutroman, og ligesom i de to andre bøger leger han i denne med et væld af forskellige genrer, men ofte med en forkærlighed for den filosofiske og spekulative fiktion.

Om Verdenshjertet: I en ikke så fjern fremtid, hvor velfærdssamfundet er i opløsning og algoritmer har overtaget meget af arbejdet, lever Mads af små freelance-jobs, som han får gennem online-portalen Easyjobs. Endelig får han en stor opgave: at ghostwrite thrilleren Sort og hvid. Den bliver en bestseller, men da toeren skal skrives, begynder verden at smuldre omkring ham, bogstaveligt talt.

Viggo Bjerring interviewes af Jane Mondrup, som selv skriver i de fantastiske genrer.


Saturday at 11.00

In this talk Flemming R.P. Rasch will take a look at some aliens of the science fiction genre from a psychological viewpoint. Will it be possible to understand them with the tools of human psychology?

Psychology is a science about humans and how they behave, as normal human beings and as unusual or mentally ill human beings. How would we consider aliens if they were human – as normal, slightly unusual or extremely unusual? And what would an alien’s science about its own species’ psychology be like?

The talk will be held in English. It will leave room for audience participation and discussion of the subject.

Flemming R.P. Rasch is a science fiction fan and writer and holds a BA in psychology.


Lørdag kl 16.00

I videospil konstrueres elvere ofte som en etnisk minoritet via spillenes brug af kolonialisme-lignende diskurser. I dette foredrag vil cand.mag i engelsk Anita Albæk Simonsen undersøge hvordan dette sker i spillene ”Dragon Age: Origins” og ”The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt”.

Anita Albæk Simonsen er dansk fantasy- og science fiction-forfatter. Hun har en kandidatgrad i engelsk med specialisering i feltet mellem postkolonialisme og spilstudier. På universitet har hun ved hver lejlighed drejet kurset over til spilverdenen og har grundet sin forkærlighed for fantasy dykket ned i hvordan koloniale diskurser og racisme optræder i fantasy-rollespil. Læs mere om Anita Simonsen på hendes hjemmeside

I foredraget vil hun problematisere lighederne mellem spillenes elvere og virkelige (post)koloniale folkefærd. Derudover vil hun påvise hvordan både spildesignet og narrative elementer bidrager til, at man via det, som teoretikeren Sara Ahmed har betegnet som gestus, kan genkende (recognise), legemliggøre (embody) og kende (know) elvere som ’strangers’ på et fundament af romantisering af kolonialisme-lignende diskurser. Konstruktionen af elvere som ’the Other’ i videospil negligerer derved at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved faste diskurser såsom kolonialisme i stedet for produktivt at bidrage til ’afkolonisering’.


Lørdag kl 14.00

Dværge. Alfer. Jætter. Fylgjer. Lindorme. Den nordiske mytologi myldrer med væsner, hvoraf af mange har fundet vej til særligt fantasy-litteraturen. Men hvad siger kilderne faktisk om de oprindelige versioner af disse mytiske skabninger? Det vil etnolog og folklorist Karen Bek-Pedersen gøre os klogere på.

Karen Bek-Pedersen har en PhD fra University of Edinburgh. Den handler om nornerne og skæbnebegrebet i norrøn mytologi, og hendes første bog, ”The Norns in Old Norse Mythology”, blev udgivet i 2011. Siden da har hun arbejdet ved fem forskellige universiteter i ind- og udland, men er nu primært freelance oversætter og korrekturlæser. Samtidig har hun fortsat sin forskning i og også holdt en hel masse foredrag om nordisk mytologi og islandske sagaer (og lidt keltisk mytologi i ny og næ). Hendes bog ”Guder og Gudinder i Nordisk Mytologi” udkom i 2021.

Karen Bek-Pedersen interviewes af Jane Mondrup, cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi og forfatter til historier som bl.a. inddrager nordisk mytologi.

Saturday at 14.00

A guided walk through the enchanted gardens of tales spun by Victorian horror- and fantasy writer Arthur Machen. As we stop and admire the scenery, we will meet creatures from Greek and Roman Antiquity, Celtic heroes, primordial goo given shape, and maybe even angels.

Machen is one of the oft-forgotten precursors of modern weird fiction, and his influence – and creatures – haunt many of the more well-known stories of today. Observe the faun among the Machenalian shrubbery – and find it again in H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Guillermo del Toro og Alan Moore.

About Freja Gyldenstrøm: Apart from having written the introduction to Hoff & Poulsen’s translation of ”The Great God Pan” M.A. in Comparative Literature Freja Gyldenstrøm has written her dissertation on the god Pan as a character in fin de siècle literature – strongly focusing on Machen; and she is an independent researcher specialising ind 1800’s and early 1900’s literature. She has also contributed to games and roleplaying scenarios such as Vampire 5th Edition and the occult LARP Baphomet.


Søndag kl 16.00

En parallelverden for uddøde dyrearter. En nutid hvor dinosaurer aldrig uddøde. Forhistoriske flyveøgler, som har overlevet til i dag. Myter og forestillinger om fantastiske væsner, som måske er baseret på reelt eksisterende dyr. Det er nogle af de emner, som vil blive vendt i dette panel.

Panelets tre forfattere har alle skrevet romaner, hvor uddøde eller forhistoriske dyr spiller en vigtig rolle. I panelet vil de fortælle om deres forhold til emnet, om hvordan de har arbejdet med det i deres historier, og om hvad der har drevet dem til at gøre det – fascination, videbegær eller vrede over menneskenes hensynsløse udryddelse af andre livsformer. Panelet modereres af Sidsel Pedersen, science fiction- og fantasy-nørd.

Mikala Rosenkilde er forfatter og podcastindehaver med interesse for kryptozoologi. Har senest skrevet romanen ”Kongamato” der omtales som ”Indiana Jones møder Jurassic park”. En roman om nulevende flyveøgler. Lige nu er hun aktuel med podcast-serien ”De mystiske dyr” og har en roman på vej. Hun har boet og opholdt sig i en længere periode i Sydafrika mellem vilde dyr og har tidligere læst etologi.

Mikkel Wendelboe er en dansk TV-sportsvært og fantasy/science fiction-forfatter, der har skrevet flere bøger, og mere end én gang med dinosaurer som omdrejningspunkt. Han er desuden uddannet i naturvidenskaben og har studeret dinosaurer på universitetet – som han ofte fik kritik for at skrive for malende og kunstnerisk om, hvilket blandt andet antændte lysten til at blive forfatter.

Pernille van Dijk er forfatter til Arternes opstandelse, første bind i trilogien Nøglen til fortiden, som handler om at det er vigtigt at beskytte vores dyr, før det er for sent, et budskab hun virkelig brænder for. I de uddødes verden bor de dyr, der ikke længere lever på Jorden. Da en helt særlig nøgle lader dem vende tilbage til Jorden, kan dyrene endelig få hævn over de mennesker, der udryddede dem. Den mulighed lader de ikke gå fra sig.


Lørdag kl 15.00

Flemming Rasch interviewer Teddy Vork, som er kendt blandt fantastik-fans som en af Danmarks bedste horror-forfattere.

Teddy Vork er cand. mag. i engelsk, litteratur-videnskab og skrivekunst. Han er dobbelt vinder af Dansk Horrorselskabs pris for årets bedste horror-udgivelse, i 2020 for romanen “Mulm” og i 2014 for novellesamlingen “Sprækker”, og har desuden udgivet ungdomsgyseren ”De døde husker,” romanerne ”Ex” og ”Diget”, novellesamlingen ”Hvor skyggen falder” samt noveller i forskellige antologier og magasiner. Tilbage i 2006 fik Teddy Vork en pris for novellen ”Snemanden” i Foreningen Fantastiks årlige novellekonkurrence. Teddy fortæller om sin forfatterkarriere og nogle af de ting han har skrevet, samt komme ind på hans tilgang til monstre og sære væsener.


Søndag kl 15.00

Hvis vi stødte på aliens, hvordan ville deres sprog så være? Findes der universelle regler om sprog, som alle væsener vil overholde, eller vil det være umuligt at forstå et udenjordisk væsen? Få et kvalificeret bud på et svar i dette foredrag ved  oversætter, datalingvist og science fiction-ekspert Stig W. Jørgensen.

Xenolingvistik beskæftiger sig med det indtil videre hypotetiske spørgsmål om hvordan ikke-jordiske væseners sprog kan være opbygget, bl.a. baseret på de de (jordisk) universelle fællestræk for menneskesprog, samt træk ved andre jordiske arters kommunikation. Foredraget vil også komme ind på litterære eksempler fra både den nyere og den klassiske science fiction-kanon. Læs mere om Stig på


Søndag kl 14.00

Forfattersamtale mellem Majbrit Høyrup og Karsten Brand-Knudsen om hvordan de i deres forfatterskab arbejder med monstre, ikke kun som fjender der skal overvindes, men som et element der udfordrer samfundets orden.

Majbrit Høyrup har skrevet en håndfuld noveller i løbet af de sidst tyve år. De fleste af dem er udgivet i Science Fiction Cirklens antologier. Et par stykker af dem handler om monstre, men det er ofte monstre, som vækker medlidenhed, snarere end frygt.

Karsten Brandt-Knudsen er relativt grøn indenfor fandom og som forfatter. Han debuterede ultimo 2019 med novellen Farmer i antologien Sandsynlighedskrydstogt fra Science Fiction Cirklen. Sidenhen har han bidraget med noveller til en favnfuld antologier, magasiner og hjemmesider. I 2021 udkom hans debutroman, Dan lærer at leve, på forlaget Enter Darkness.


Lørdag kl 17.00

4 forfattere af noveller til forlaget Krabats antologi ”Noget er på vej” taler om novellerne, arbejdet med folketro og overnaturlige væsner i en moderne, litterær sammenhæng. ”Noget er på vej er 24 fortællinger om nordisk folketro. Samtalen modereres af antologiens redaktør Helle Perrier.

Kat Lassen er forfatter til novellen ”Glemslens sø”. Hun debuterede i 2013 med det to-delte fantasy eventyr “Livets Port”. Siden har hun fået udgivet både børne og ungdomsbøger, men også noveller og kortprosa til et lidt ældre publikum. I 2022 udkommer hendes og illustrator Anita Sølvers “Ellebæt”-serie på Forlaget Krabat. Hun har desuden horrornovelle i horrormagasinet Read.Die.Repeat på vej, samt to noveller i en antologi om moderskab på Forlaget Leitura.

Malene Fabricius Holm har skrevet novellen “Lilli-Rose”. I mange år har hun skrevet teatermanuskripter, som er opført i amatørteaterregi. I 2021 debuterede hun som forfatter med et par noveller, og i 2022 udkommer hendes første roman. Malene skriver mest til tweens og teens og er inspireret af de små og store ting, som kan skabe uro i livet. Folkesagn om skiftinge inspirerede hende til “Lilli-Rose”. For Malene er folketro og trolde uløseligt forbundet.

Alexandra Vinther, forfatter til novellen “Nis,” er uddannet kunstmaler og har en bachelor i historie. Hun har boet på Djursland det meste af sit liv, tæt på Tirstrup lufthavn/flyvestation. Måske er det sådan den interesse for flyvning, som også fremgår af novellen, blev født? De fantastiske genrer ligger hendes hjerte nær, men hun elsker også historie, og derfor sniger historisk viden sig ofte mere eller mindre synligt sig ind i hendes tekster.

Lars Ahn, forfatter til “E. Høj,” arbejder som journalist i Roskilde og skriver fiktion i sin fritid. Siden 2007 har han haft noveller med i over 30 antologier og har udgivet en roman og to novellesamlinger, herunder “Den nat, vi skulle have set Vampyros Lesbos” som blev kåret til Årets Danske Horrorudgivelse 2017. Hans historier er oversat til flere forskellige sprog og har novellen “Donation” med i den World Fantasy Award-nominerede antologi The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories Vol. 1.

Helle Perrier (moderator) er redaktør på antologien og medejer af forlaget Krabat. Hun har skrevet så længe, hun kan huske, og siden 2015 er det blevet til en række udgivelser af både romaner og noveller, herunder serierne “Gamerklassen” og “Den gule planet”.

The world from the Monster’s perspective (English)

Saturday at 17:00

Priya Sharma, Tue Omø, Teddy Vork, Karsten Brandt-Knudsen. Klaus Æ Mogensen (mod)
In most of the stories we hear, the monster is the outsider. The one we are afraid of, what threatens us. These stories tells us somerhing about how we meet with the strange, with the outsider. But what is it like being the monster? What are we like seen from the outside. And what really makes them tick, these strange beings we call monsters.


We are working presentations for the following items:
– Intropanel on the subject “Strange Creatures”
– Interview with Guest of Honor Lauren Beukes
– A panel on the short story collection “Made to Order”
– Samtale mellem Flemming P. Rasch og Klaus Æ. Mogensen
– The Truly Strange (panel)
– Twisting the Folklore (panel)
– The World from the Monster’s Perspecitive (panel)
– Panel om AI