Program 2021


Area A: Hjørnestuen i stueetagen / The ground floor, the room in the corner.

Area B: Lokalet halvvejs op ad trappen / Half way up the stairs, the long room.

Area C: Det store lokale ovenpå / The big room at the top of the stairs.

Area X: Det store lokale i stueetagen / The registration and dealers room at the ground floor.

If the description is in English, we plan to do the program item in English.



16:00-16:50 Area B

Stanisław Lem

Talk by Flemming Rasch

The Polish science fiction writer Stanisław Lem was born a hundred years ago. In this talk I will give an overview of his works, give a short biography and discuss how Lem fits into the history of the genre.

17:00-17:50 Area B

Weird fiction

Group discussion.

What is weird fiction? Who writes it? Why do we read weird fiction? After a short talk, we have a group discussion about weird fiction and try to answer these and other questions.

18:00-19:50 Area B

Weird movies

While some of you may go out for some food, those who remain can watch Fantasticon’s very short film program, consisting of a classic weird/horror normal length move and a short, new one. You may have seen these before, but they are good enough to be watched more than once.

20:00-20:50 Area B

Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff

Foredrag af Jóannes Á Stykki

Wulff har været aktiv forfatter i et halvt århundrede. Han er en både usædvanlig og kontroversiel forfatter, som mange måske ikke kender så meget til. Dette er en introduktion til hans forfatterskab.

21:00-21:50 Area B

Weirding the classics

Panel with the writers available at this time of the evening

Our panel of writers are given a few titles of classic works of fiction (that are far from weird). Then they have ten minutes to write a synopsis for a weird version of one of those works. When the time is up, they present what they wrote. We may have time to two rounds of weirding.


11:00-11:50 Area C

Niels Klim-prisen

Paneldiskussion med Niels Dalgaard (m), Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen, Klaus Æ. Mogensen, A. Silvestri.

Årets Niels Klim-pris for dansk science fiction uddeles kl. 12, og inden da afholdes der efter traditionen en paneldiskussion med nogle af de nominerede forfattere.

12:00-12:50 Area C

Laura Mauro

Interview with our Guest of Honour.

12:00-12:50 Area B

Niels Klim-prisen for science fiction

Niels klim prisen for science fiction udgivet i 2020 uddeles.

12:00-15:50 Area A

Fantasticon junior

Aktiviteter for børn v. Bjarne Sinkjær.

Kom og spil rollespil og brætspil på Fantasticon. Som noget nyt arrangerer Fantasticon Junior introduktionsspil for børn i alderen 9-12 år – far og mor er meget velkomne. Regler for de forskellige spil forklares, så alle kan deltage. Vi spiller fantasyspillet ‘Ulvevinter’ og børnevenlige brætspil. Der er to Ulvevinter spil, kl. 12.00 og kl. 14.00, samt brætspil som spilles løbende.

Tilmelding på Fantasticon.

13:00 – 13:50 Area C

C.A. Wolters og Pernille L. Stenby

Sidsel Pedersen interviewer de to forfattere om hhv. Den som hvisker og Inkarnation, samt om Pernilles kommende roman “Et manipuleret liv.”


13:00-13:50 Area B

Neil Gaiman’s Sandman

After a short presentation by Jane Mondrup, there will be a group discussion about Gaiman’s comic / graphic novel Sandman, that will become a tv series later this year.

14:00-14:50 Area C

Lars Ahn

A. Silvestri interviewer science fiction / horror forfatter Lars Ahn om sit forfatterskab.

14:00-14:50 Area B

Trauma in horror fiction

Talk by Laura Mauro

Exploring the link between trauma, physical space and hauntings in horror fiction, and asking the question: why does the ghost return to traumatised places, and what do they ask of us?

15:00-15:50 Area C

Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen

Flemming Rasch interviewer vores æresgæst om romanen Månen over Øen.

15:00-15:50 Area B

Trauma and Castration in Weird Movies

Talk by Tue Sørensen and Per Chr. Halling

Join cinephiles Tue Sørensen and Per Chr. Halling in an exploration of how the Weird in movies transcends genre: the connection to horror, sin, satire, surrealism, escapism, stylism, history and ontology, wrapped up in colorful imagery, strange sounds and bombastic music, esp. in the movies of the 1970s. Featuring the work of directors like Jodorowsky, Argento, Russell, Cronenberg, Lynch and more.

16:00-16:50 Area C

Writing the weird

Panel discussion with Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen, Laura Mauro, Amdi Silvestri and Jesper Rugård.

How do writers make their stories weird? What is the best and the worst way to introduce weird elements into the story? What do you do with the weird, once it’s introduced – make the story even more weird, or let the reader think that the weird will be explained in the end? And how do you end a weird story? What is the difference between writing short weird fiction and weird novels?

17:00-17:50 Area B

Gene Roddenberry

Talk and group discussion

The inventor of Star Trek would have had his 100th birthday in 2021. host and trekkie Johan Albrechtsen will give a talk about the man and his vision, followed by a group discussion.

Johan’s talk it titled ”The imperfect man behind the perfect world” and will try to answer questions like ”Who was Gene Roddenberry?”, ”What impact did his occupation as a pilot and a police officer have on the way he looked at the word?” and ”How did his relation to Star Trek evolve?”

18:00-18:50 Area B


Lars Ahn have prepared a quiz to test your knowledge on the weird and other fantastic subjects.

19:00-22:00 Area X

The Fantasticon Banquet

Our host at Serapion serves the traditional banquet for us, and there will probably also be some talks and other entertainmant. You need to sign up in advance for this.

Please be aware that you must buy a ticket for the banquet no later than August 29th.



11:00-11:50 Area B

J.R.R. Tolkien

Panel discussion with Jakob Levinsen, Lars Konzack and Stig W. Jørgensen

Why did an old English professor become a superstar author in the 1960s and have a comeback with the movies based on his work half a century later? The panel may discuss this question as well as other questions about Tolkien and his works.

12:00-12:50 Area C

The new weird

Panel discussion with Laura Mauro, Niels Dalgaard, Stig W. Jørgensen Jane Mondrup and Lars Ahn.

In the early 00ies the genre New Weird was invented to describe certain types of fiction that didn’t fit well into other categories. Who were those writers, and why call their works New Weird? Does the genre New Weird even make sense anymore? Was it an attept to make a new ”New Wave” in science fiction? Or just a few critics and writer’s to put some new fiction they liked in the same box? The panel may discuss writers like M. John Harrison, Jeff VanderMeer and China Mieville.

13:00-13:50 Area C

H.P. Lovecraft in translation

Interview with Jakob Levinsen about his translation of Lovecraft’s body of work into Danish.

13:00-13:50 Area B

Supersnak på Fantasticon

Live podcast

Superhelte-podcasten med Marvel Morten og Kim Helt kommer til Fantasticon. Vær med når et afsnit optages foran publikum. Nyt: Vi har desværre fået afbud fra Kim, men i stedet for træder Tue Sørensen ind i rollen som sidekick til Marvel Morten.

14:00-14:50 Area C

Rasmus Hastrup

A. Silvestri interviewer forfatteren.

14:00-14:50 Area B

The Warhammer worlds

Talk by Bjarne Sinkjær.

Warhammer are two worlds designed for miniature tabletop games; one world is for fantasy mass combat, while the other is set 40.000 years in the future, and is science fantasy combat. While the two games and their worlds are different, they share the same pentheon of four weird, and violent chaos gods. This is their story.

15:00-15:50 Area C

Vølvens vej

Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen interviwes af Jakob Levinsen om sin fantasy trilogy, der foregår i Danmark i jernalderen, og er baseret på Vǫluspá fra Den Ældre Edda. Det første bind Snehild udkommer samtidig med Fantasticon.

18:00-  ???

Dead Dog Party

Those who want to talk and maybe eat and drink a bit after Fantasticon, can come to the traditional after con event. Our usual place is closed this evening, but we will find an alternative and annonce it at Fantasticon.

Friday 16:00-20:00 Area X

Saturday 11:00-17:00 Area X

Sunday 11:00-16:00 Area X

During most of the con you can buy books from the dealers here. There will also be a Dutch aution, where you can buy used books at good prices early in the con, and even better prices later.