Foreningen Fantasticon holder generalforsamling mandag d. 19/11 2012 kl. 19 i Vanløse Kulturhus (der hvor Fantasticon 2012 blev afholdt), Tårnværelset. Dagsorden iflg. vedtægterne. Kom til mødet, hvis du vil være med til at lave Fantasticon i fremtiden, eller hvis du bare vil høre nærmere om hvordan Fantasticon 2012 gik og hvad der er planlagt for Fantasticon 2013.
Knud Larn’s fanzine
During Fantasticon 2012, Danish fan Knud Larn published a small fanzine, one issue for each day of the con. You can read or download them here:
THE CONvention 1
THE CONvention 2
THE CONvention 3
Media and blogs
The following media and bloggers have written about Fantastcon 2012:
Dagbladet Information
Jannie Solaas’ blog
Tomas Cronholm
Ellen Datlow
Lise Andreasen
I’ll add more as I become aware of them.
The Niels Klim Awards
A lot of things happened at day two at Fantasticon 2012. Stormtroopers and the Visitors from “V” invaded, mad scientists and genre definitions were discussed, pictures were drawn and the ceremony for the Niels Klim Awards for best short fiction in Danish was held for the first time.
The winners:
Best novella (tie): Alastair Reynolds for “Skjul” (Hideaway) and “Minlas blomster” (Minla’s Flowers) from Vejen mellem stjernerne (both translated by Niels Dalgaard).
Best novelette: A. Silvestri for “Faderens sønner” from Faderens sønner.
Best short story (tie): Michael Kamp for “Homo Arachnida” and Lars Ahn Pedersen for “En helt almindelig død”, both from Den nye koloni – Lige under overfladen 5.
Fantasticon is on
Fantasticon has started and we are ready for day two. So come join us at Kulturstationen Vanløse since you can’t go to the beach anyway.
Here are the Twitter accounts for our guests of honor, Alastair Reynolds and Ellen Datlow:!/AquilaRift!/ellendatlow
Latest news
There has been some minor changes to the program (on the vampire science cafe) Friday and I forgot to mention that Kandor (publisher), H. Harksen Productions (publisher) and Morten Søndergaard (books and comics for sale) will be in the dealer/fan room.
Free areas / gratis-områder
The cafe (Vanløse Spisehus) and the library are “free areas” where you don’t have to pay. Furthermore the areas with access to the terrace (“Kvansalen” and “Værkstedet”) are “free areas” during the library opening hours, Friday until 17:00 and Saturday until 14:00. You may take advantage of this, if you just want to get a taste of Fantasticon.
Få en smagsprøve på Fantasticon før du betaler: Se i programmet efter hvad der sker på biblioteket og i cafeen, eller kom til forenings- og salgsstandene og Ondskabens Flydende Vatikans workshop fredag kl. 15-17 og lørdag kl. 11-14.
Mød V-foreningen lørdag 11-14 på Fantasticon i gratis-området:
The programme version 1
Read it here: Programme. A few details will be added over the next few days, and we will make a more readable version.
Ellen Datlow Interview
Great interview with our Guest of Honour, Ellen Datlow, by fantasy author Anna Kashina on her blog. The interview serves as a useful introduction to the award-winning editor and she describes her approach to editing and selecting short stories in detail:
Q: Apart from the regular ones (such as “the year’s best”), how do you decide which new anthology to work on, and how does the theme get selected for these anthologies?
Usually I’ll think up a theme that interests me, then contact some writers to ask if they’re interested in writing for it (bigger name ones first), write up a proposal and give it to my agent. Then she sends it out and we hope that a publisher is interested and makes an offer I can afford to accept. (this includes paying the contributors at least 6 cents a word plus how much I need in order to acquire and edit the project). Sometimes a publisher approaches me with an idea I like (for example the Poe anthology in honor of the Edgar Allan Poe Bicentennial a few years ago). Also, my editor at Dark Horse suggested Supernatural Noir as a follow up to Lovecraft Unbound, which I edited for them a couple of years previously. As I love the supernatural and love noir it was a natural. I very much enjoyed editing that one. The third way I decide is that someone with whom I co-edit or who would like to co-edit with me comes up with a theme that I like. That’s how Terri Windling and I began co-editing our original anthologies. Nick Mamatas approached me about co-editing Haunted Legends (initially for the Horror Writers Association but that didn’t work out) because he thought my being involved would help sell the antho –which it did.
Read the rest of interview here.
Thanks to Jeppe Larsen for the tip.
Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen
The Seth-trilogy by Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen will be reissued in a single volume paperback version (in Danish): Gudestorm.
Anne-Marie will be at Fantasticon on Saturday. Here is a trailer for her novel Glasborgen: